We are working with Ukraine Relief to offer a donation centre at Castlepoint to send aid to Ukrainians in desperate need. We are proud to say thousands of tones of aid including medical supplies and equipment has been sent to Ukrainians in need already.

The drop off centre is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am – 4pm. This is located in the vacant unit next to JD Sports at Castlepoint.

Ukraine Relief Donation Centre


In February 2022 Matt, our Operations Manager’s partner alerted us to a local Polish Supermarket (Food Plus) in Bournemouth needing help to store aid being collected for Ukraine.

Castlepoint acted quickly and opened a large vacant unit (14,000 sq. ft) for donations. We started promoting and appealing to the public, all in partnership with local store and their figureheads Daniel Sulimerieski & Karol Swiacki. The scheme was titled “Help from Bournemouth”.  Little did we know it would end up being called “Ukraine Relief” as it snowballed beyond our wildest imaginations to a national campaign with donations coming from across the UK, including lorries from Scotland.

Local and national TV & Press soon arrived, as the overwhelming generosity of the community captured people’s imaginations. Lorries & vans were queuing for dispatch from Castlepoint, Ferry companies were offering us FREE trips to transport the goods across, big brands and celebrities were supporting the cause! We had to close our donation centre on several occasions just to deal with the volume.


  • Over 216 articulated lorries, with over 3,600 pallets of equipment left Castlepoint between March & May. To date over 1,600 tones of aid has been sent to Ukrainians in need.
  • Over 2,500 volunteers to date.
  • National TV in the UK (Good Morning Britain, BBC) and Ukraine TV reported LIVE on the appeal at Castlepoint multiple times.
  • No one is forgotten from Ukraine Schools, Hospitals to even Military aid has been delivered those in need from Ukraine Relief at Castlepoint.

We are very proud to announce that Karol Swiacki the founder of Ukraine Relief has won the BBC Radio Solent’s Make a Difference Award for all his efforts with organising and running this organisation at Castlepoint to support Ukrainians in need.

What started as a conversation between Karol and Castlepoint desperately wanting to help, soon became a few vans full of donations and then a full unit at Castlepoint with hundreds of volunteers attending daily. This has now become one of the biggest organisations in the UK, sending over 1,600 tons of aid, medical supplies, equipment of your donations and with big brands to those in desperate need.
There have been so many individuals involved in this project and to date Ukraine Relief has been going for over 200 days with many volunteers working non-stop.

We continue to be amazed by our local community’s generosity and willingness to help.

Congratulations to Karol and all involved at Ukraine Relief! Neil our supervisor who has heavily been involved with the organisation attended the ceremony in Portsmouth with Karol on behalf of all the Castlepoint Army of Hope family.
To donate or volunteer please come to the the vacant unit next to JD Sports on Tuesday – Saturday 10am – 4pm. Please note if you plan on staying longer than 4 hours your must register your vehicle using the tablet in M&S Cafe, Nandos or the Management Suite to avoid getting a ticket.