Project Positivity

Project Positivity

We want to help our local community

As a pillar of the local community, we want to give back, offer acts of kindness and help to support as many local schools, charities and organisations as possible in 2023.

Castlepoint turns 20 this year and to celebrate we are introducing Project Positivity, a campaign aimed at helping the local community.

Are you a local school, charity or organisation? No matter how big or small the request, we want to hear from you.

Do you run a childrenā€™s football team and need support for equipment? Or know of a school or organisation that needs extra assistance? Or possibly are a charity or organisation that needs some extra help?

We are looking for local causes to help. Please register your request via the link below and we will be choosing 1-2 requests a month for a year. Please note we will directly contact you if your request is chosen.

WIN your next food shop!

We want to help you!

Enter our competition to win your next food shop on us.

If you’re a charity, school orĀ  organisation that needs help please register your request below. We are choosing 1-2 a month.